Sunday, 25 October 2015

Exam Miscarriage or Premature birth?

Yes, the National Examinations KCSE has been leaked since the day it started, that’s no longer a secret anymore. Students have been dreaming and picturing the success they will finally celebrate and enjoy when the resulted will be released early next year.

The big question however being asked in every part of the country is; who is responsible for the leakage? Who will carry the blame?  This has however made the examination and education bodies to distant themselves denying the existence of such a malpractice.  The education minister Prof; Jacob Kaimenyi has come out chest forward with a word of total denial on the same. The examination council CEO has also denied any existence of exams leakage giving it a clean bill of health. All the blame has now been shifted the mobile phone technology and watsapp application which is the center of exams leakage. The watsapp application is widely used by the youths and some older people with the age of my grandfather who has refused to accept old age and that technology passed them a long time ago.

To bring the point home, I tend to equate teachers to a pregnant mother who is almost giving birth, the candidates as the unborn child and the government being a ruthless husband. The government (husband) has recently been seen mistreating the teachers (wife) by exposing them to strikes and again denying them their salaries at a time where they were almost giving birth to healthy babies (students). The mistreatment will either lead to a serious miscarriage if the exams will be cancelled and rescheduled, and if that doesn’t happen then it will lead to a premature birth where the students are going to come out ‘successful’ exam thieves who will eventually land on a premature entry to the university who will in turn come out as non resourceful and incompetent fellas.

To the parents, I know such sends cold jitters in your bodies and mind confusing as to why this happens at such a time when you are waiting to see the results of all the labor and finances invested in your children. At least a word of comfort is that you have done your part and the rest remains the responsibility of the concerned parties, students and finally for believers, that God intervenes in such a situation. 

Authored by; Biwott k. Edwin

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

'Hii ni Kenya'

It being a Wednesday morning, I woke up at 6.00 am ready for the for days activities. Despite having caught a cold from somewhere I know not, I prepared myself for the morning devotion with my listeners from 7:15 to 8:00 am at my favorite radio station, what a great day to start a day. After the morning devotion, next was attending lectures which others were taught and some also did bounce giving us time to finalize on our fourth year projects. Despite the cold and the running nose taking toll of me, I managed to tackle all that I was meant to do.

At around noon, my health deteriorated and I chose the last and only resort which was only seeing a doctor and be given some medication. Few minutes past 3 o clock, I left the studio for the Moi university dispensary at least to see a health expert to determine my case. Oblivious of what was lying ahead of me, I went to the records office and patiently waited to be served; my file was retrieved and I was directed to room 14 for me to see the doctor now. Not being the only one there, I sat on a bench where approximately eight others sat waiting to see the same doctor I was to see.

I overhead people talking inside but decided to wait for my turn to be attended to, 20 minutes were over, the queue was building up yet nobody was coming out of the doctor’s office. I asked my sit neighbor, “kuna watu wangapi huku ndani?” she answered  “wako wawili but wamekaa sana almost one hour”  rose from my sit and strained my neck only to see a man standing discussing some matters unrelated to what the doctor offers. Seeing my frowning face the man told me “ngoja kidogo tu tunatoka” I sat down feeling disgusted. After another 15 minutes the two guys come out and without any respect or apology to the patients for staying that long, one of them decides to open his smelly mouth and confidently says, “sasa wewe kijana unakunjia nani sura, hujui hii ni Kenya?” Really!! I was almost answering him back when I saw all the patients turning round and all their eyes glued at him.

Seeing all those eyes staring at him, he bowed shamefully and left without saying another word. I answered him silently in my heart not blaming him but his IQ which I rated to be below average.  I waited for my turn to see the doctor who innocently not knowing what had happened outside his office scribbled some drugs for me to take; after collecting them at the pharmacy, I left without looking back.

By; Biwott Edwin