Monday, 7 December 2015

Time to Propose.

The opposition has lost track on what it’s supposed to do as a real opposition party, they have taken the literal meaning and have in turn opposed everything that the government is doing without thinking critically if what they are opposing is worth it or deserves to be applauded. This can be blamed on their leader because if he has lost focus then the whole team loses focus on their overall role of questioning the government of the day and making them accountable.
Today it’s the Eurobond ‘saga’ tomorrow its corruption and the next day it is about the trips made by the president to other countries which he is entitled to. He is wooing investors into the country and also ensuring a peaceful coexistence between those countries and Kenya. 
The CORD leader also retired prime minister should analyze what he did during his time in power before uttering any negative statements about the government. He did nothing while in power thus deserve not to say anything with regard to the government dealings. Yes the president is traveling to various countries not only as Hon, Uhuru Kenyatta but also as a representative of all Kenyans.
About the Eurobond, the CORD leader should visit the various institutions put in place and make inquiries on how the money was used. The treasury headed by Hon. Rotich as the finance minister has welcomed Mr. Odinga to his office for any queries or clarifications.  By visiting the treasury doesn’t mean you are becoming a secretary to the finance minister. And by the way, is there any harm caused to you by being the so called ‘secretary’ for some few hours? The EACC is also ready to do an investigation if there is a possibility that the money was used haphazardly or shared by some individuals as you claim.
As an opposition party, your work should not be only to oppose everything but share with the government which is ready and willing to listen on how they can improve service delivery to Kenyans and also have the country’s resources used in a better way. It’s not yet too late to stop the negative criticisms always hurled to the government and have a hand in nation building. You cannot be a leader if you don’t accept to be led; let Jubilee team do their part in leadership and your time will come of which you will be accountable in what you will do. It’s not always to oppose but it’s a time to propose and offer good proposals and ideas.

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